Sold: High Profit Commercial Security Equipment Installation Company for Sale

Update: This business has been sold. If you are looking for a security company to purchase, please contact us so we can search our database for available businesses.

High Profit Commercial Security company that provides complete Product Installations, such as Video Camera surveillance and remote access card systems.

Sales and customer base are growing. Company has an experienced staff of long term management and technical employees. Immaculate financial records. Seller available for training and support after a sale. Included in the sale are multiple trucks/tools and custom configured software. Large return on investment.

Sales $1,800,000, Cash flow $440,000.

This is a unique company with multiple offerings for security equipment and locking systems. Customers include large, well known companies in the Florida market that provide this company ongoing, recurring income.A new owner may opt to grow revenues with additional services and products. Remote video monitoring, elder health alert monitoring, fire alarm systems, sprinkler, commercial and audio visual services for school, universities, and conference rooms are just a few.

This security company is offered for sale $1,300,000 and is SBA pre-qualified.

Building is available to purchase as well.

For more details, call Jan Fowler at 813-920-7880 or Contact Us.